Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.
Proverbs 18:21
We need to be very careful about how we speak to ourselves and what we say about ourselves. We ought to align our words and thoughts about ourselves with the Word of God, with what He says and thinks about us disregarding how we feel or what others say about us.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits (Proverbs 18:21). Whatever you say will manifest in your life and you shall have it. Words, thoughts and intentions are seeds. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap (Galatians 6:7-9).

You say something bad about yourself and sow a bad seed, you will reap a bad harvest and manifest whatever it is you said; the vice versa is also true. Therefore, let’s make this law work in our favor and sow good seeds, seeds of life and not death into our lives so we would reap a good harvest.
Your mind accepts your words as Absolute Truth and will divert to that thought first like muscle memory. The words you speak condition your mind, state and future to the reality you speak. Your cells and body come to the obedience of what you are saying. Because the Holy Spirit is in you, He is giving life to everything you say.
That’s why it’s important to renew your mind daily, staying in the Word of God, casting down arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthian 10:5). The Bible is your shield but when it comes out of your mouth it becomes your sword.

You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways (Job 22:28). Decree and declare these proclamations out loud and if you truly believe, it will manifest, and you shall have it. In order to reprogram your mind and state and unlearn the negativity that you’ve already conditioned in yourself make these declarations to fight against it. You may not believe right away but keep at it and through repetition, little by little, you will, and it will become your new truth.
Start today and make these proclamations every morning for at least a week but during this time align all your thoughts and words throughout these days to the truths in these declarations and in the night reinforce and reflect on these truths. To make it easier I made Declaration cards for you, see more below.
According to Dr. Monroe you must guard your self-talk like if your life depended on it because it does, every word you speak to yourself you are doing one of two things, building your future or reinforcing your limitations, there’s no neutral ground. Always remember and never forget, Words have Power.
Thank you, Father, that your plans and thoughts towards me are for peace and well-being and not for disaster or calamity, to give me a future and a hope.
I am who God says I am, and I am not anything God says I am not.
With every experience and in every day, I am learning and growing stronger and more powerful. I am moving closer to my destiny. I am destined for greatness and success.
I am a Jesus pleaser not a people pleaser. My focus is on who I am in Jesus, and I do not seek others’ approval and acceptance because in Christ I am precious, valuable, and I am accepted in the beloved.
I am grounded in my beliefs and values, committed to my purpose and destiny. I am becoming uniquely and authentically who God created me to be.
Father, I am satisfied only by your love. My happiness and satisfaction are tied to you and you alone and not anyone or anything of this earth.
Father, I know that we not war with people but with the devil working through them, so I choose when the time comes, to repay good for evil.
I am led by the Spirit and not by my emotions and feelings or reasonings. Each day I am becoming more sensitive to the Holy Spirit that lives within me so that I can walk in love and not grieve the Holy Spirit or my angels.
Since I do not judge myself harshly, I will not judge others harshly.
I am not short-tempered or easily offended. Help me God to always keep my joy, peace and rest in the storms of life and when people come against me.
I have divine wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment, given to me by my Creator to know when I should stay silent in conflicts or when I should speak up. The Holy Spirit helps me when I speak, He puts the right words in my mouth so that I best represent Jesus, as His Ambassador.
I possess incredible inner strength, maturity, integrity, mental and emotional resilience and self-control that is guided by a strong sense of self, character and purpose.
I will not be distracted and caught up in senseless arguments and in offense. My focus is on Jesus and on my goals, purpose and destiny.
I am able to set firm boundaries when I need to, and I will never compromise and never go back or back down in any area of my life because then I am able to stand firm against the devil.
With God’s guidance I can stand up for myself with grace and dignity and I am able to speak the truth with love.
Father with your guard over my mouth I will not sin against you. My words are guided and guarded by the God of the universe, they speak life and not death. My words, deeds, thoughts and intentions are aligned to your Word, sowing good seeds and not bad ones.
Father since I am born again by your Spirit that’s within me, when I am faced with a conflict, I have access to and I draw on the fruits of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
Father with your guidance and wisdom I can manage my energy more efficiently and effectively. I focus my energy on meaningful people and activities aligned with my purpose and I am able to set boundaries with draining situations.
Father in all I do, I do it unto you, with excellence, dedication, perseverance and commitment knowing fully well my appreciation will come from you and not man.
I refuse to fall into the trap of achieving to be perfect, but I thank you that I am perfected and made whole by you Jesus and what you did on the cross.
Father I love you with all my heart, soul and mind and I choose to always keep you first in all I say, do and think. I receive your love Jesus so that I can love myself in a healthy and balanced way, thereby I am able to love others in the same way.
Father there’s no greater love than your love for me therefore I pattern that love and choose to love others well, even the ones who have done me wrong. Thank you, Father, for loving me so that I could love myself and others well.
Father, you keep, guard and protect my heart. I hide your Word Lord in my heart always and I keep my heart with all diligence, as it influences everything else in my life.
Father, I forgive everyone who has done me wrong and close any door that I may have opened to the enemy. Remove and keep any anger, bitterness or resentment far from me. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right and steadfast spirit within me.
With you Jesus, I have the grace to practice loving and forgiving every day, and you enable me to do everything in love, not harping on the matter.
I will always live authentically and purposefully who God created me to be.
I value my worth, I establish clear boundaries, and I pursue meaningful goals without sacrificing myself for others’ approval.
I am kind, purposeful, and courageous enough to stand firm in my faith, morals, values and beliefs while inspiring others through my example as this is how I will shine my light and make a true difference in this world.

For more “Confessions for A Faith-Filled Life” see my blog post here:
Be Authentically You Declaration Cards
Save the images below to your mobile device or by printing them out to keep these Declaration Cards handy. This way, you’ll have them at your fingertips for proclamation at any time of day.

This series is dedication my beautiful niece Lexi, who’s incredibly beautiful inside and out. Never forget that in Christ, you always are more than enough. I love you forever!
References: Monroe, Dr. Myles. “Talk to Yourself Like This For 3 Days.” YouTube, YouTube, Accessed 3 Feb. 2025.